Effective Email Marketing: An introduction to segmentation

Read on for some great advice on your email campaigns from e-shot Email Marketing, just one of the many expert speakers at this week’s Kent 2020 Vision Marketing LIVE 2013

In email marketing, segmenting data is becoming one of the most essential aspects of ensuring your campaigns are a success. Not only is the process becoming the norm for many companies, for the rest it is now one of their main objectives – with 52% of marketers saying they have a great need to improve segmentation of their email database.

But why would you segment your data?

Fundamentally, segmentation increases your email’s relevance to its recipients. In turn, this should help to increase profit from email marketing as you can tailor and target certain messages to appropriate customers.

Email-TargetingBy doing this you will be able to increase your customer’s lifetime value and stop them from becoming disinterested ‘sleeping beauties’, they’ll stay engaged because they’re only receiving emails they have an interest in opening.

There are many ways to segment your data. One of the best methods is using a survey with a multiple check list of answers. You can even email this out as a campaign or use your own website to capture more data. Here is a simple example:

Q1. What phone do you have? 

> Multiple choice answer: iPhone / HTC / Samsung Galaxy / Blackberry / etc

Then you would create groups and name them specifically to match your survey answers. For example, anyone in the survey that checked ‘iPhone’ will be in the iPhone group, people that ticked ‘HTC’ will be in the HTC group, etc.

Gather the responses and store these against your customer profiles, which may also include attributes such as name, age, location, products bought, etc. Keep surveys short and sweet so as not to overwhelm users with too many questions.

It’s a good idea to give your customers an incentive when they are filling out your survey. Informing them that they will receive discount codes, promotional offers or other exclusive deals just by filling out your survey usually means they will be happier to complete it.

Segmenting data has a lot to offer, and once it’s implemented it can create many new opportunities. For example, when you have a new iPhone app you want to promote, you will now know who to target, without pestering your Android users.

The segmentation functions in applications like e-shot are very easy-to-use are perfect for separating your contacts into precise groups and subgroups. So the right people can receive the right emails for their location, age, interests – or any other category you desire as long as you have that information. However you choose to segment your contacts – even if you have to painstakingly move one contact at a time – the benefits are huge.

Of course, segmentation is not the only strategy that email marketers should be employing to make their campaigns more effective…

You can discover more during a free workshop on ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Email Marketers’ at Kent 2020 Vision Marketing LIVE this Wednesday (23rd October).

The session runs in the Cornwallis Room at 12:30 and is hosted by e-shot Email Marketing.

CLICK HERE to register now!

New Customer Care Index launches 23rd Oct

A major new initiative launches officially at Kent 2020 Vision Marketing LIVE on 23rd October, providing a unique tool for businesses to measure and compare their customer care performance.

In a world where customers are becoming increasingly difficult to satisfy but where satisfaction is intrinsic to success – leading market research company Facts International are launching an innovative Customer Care Index (CCI) to discover what marketers are really doing to influence customer satisfaction.

Although most marketers would agree that caring for customers and ensuring they are satisfied is key to sustaining and increasing company profits – how closely do their actions actually reflect this?

From micro business marketers to those who work for SME’s and blue-chip companies, the Facts CCI will gather key insights around how marketing professionals are interpreting good customer care, whilst also allowing marketers to benchmark their customer care understanding and action against the norm and pick up helpful tips from their peers.

Find out more by attending the free workshop on ‘Making Customer Satisfaction Pay’ on Wednesday 23rd October – where the first results will be launched, as part of the free keynote & workshop programme at this month’s Kent 2020 Vision Marketing LIVE.

Or get involved straight away by visiting: www.facts.uk.com/cci or using the QR code below:

QR Code - Facts CCI

Why ‘Lean’ Start-Ups Stand More Chance of Success

Tendayi Viki - University of Kent (Crop)Whether or not you are familiar with the ‘Lean Start-Up’ approach, you can gain some valuable insights into this innovative concept when you visit Kent 2020 Start-Up LIVE on 23rd October at the Kent Event Centre, where one of the UK’s leading thinkers in this area, Dr Tendayi Viki, will be presenting a free workshop on the subject…

What is Lean Start-up?

Too many new businesses begin with an idea for a product or service that they think people want: then spend months, or sometimes even years, perfecting that offering without ever showing it to prospective customers, even in a rudimentary form. When they subsequently fail to achieve sufficient uptake, it is often because they never spoke to potential buyers to find out whether the offering was appealing – or not.

When customers eventually communicate that they don’t care about the idea, often through simple indifference, the start-up fails.

To overcome this common failing, the ‘Lean Start-Up’ method aims to provide a scientific approach to creating and managing start-ups, to bring new products and services to the market faster. The Lean approach aims to show entrepreneurs how to drive a start-up business (ie. how to steer, when to turn and when to persevere) and how to accelerate the growth of a new business by adopting an agile approach to developing new products and services, at the lowest possible risk.

Creating Order From Chaos

The lack of a tailored management process has led many start-ups to abandon all process, opting instead for “just do it” approach, that avoids all forms of management.

But this is not the only option. Using the Lean Start-Up approach, companies can create order instead of chaos, by using simple tools to continuously test their vision with customers. Lean Start-up isn’t simply about spending less money. Nor is it just about “failing fast, failing cheap”. It is about putting a structured process around the development of new products and services.

The Lean Start-Up method starts from the premise that every start-up is a grand experiment attempting to answer a question. The question is not “Can this product be built?” but “Should this product be built?” and then “Can we build a sustainable business around this set of products and services?”

This experiment is more than just theoretical inquiry; it is a first prototype. If the experiment is successful, it allows entrepreneurs to get started their campaign: enlisting early adopters, adding employees to each further experiment or iteration and eventually starting to build the product or service. By the time the finished product or service is made available to the wider world, it will already have established customers. It will have solved real problems and built detailed specifications for what its target market requires.

Minimum Viable Product

A core component of Lean approach is the ‘build > measure > learn’ feedback loop. The first step is identifying the problem that needs solving and then developing a ‘Minimum Viable Product’ (MVP) to begin the testing process as quickly as possible. Once the MVP is established, the start-up business can work on tuning the engine. This will involve measurement and learning and must include metrics that can used to assess cause and effect.

The Lean Start-Up methodology often utilises an investigative development tool called the “Five Whys” – asking simple questions to study and solve problems along the way. When this process of measuring and learning is done correctly, it will be clear that a company is improving the business model or not. If not, it is a sign that it is time to change direction to test a new hypothesis about the offering and the current strategy.

Measuring Progress

While progress in manufacturing is often measured by the production of high quality goods, the measure of progress for Lean Start-ups is validated learning: finding clear answers in an environment of extreme uncertainty. Once entrepreneurs embrace validated learning, then development times can reduce very sharply. Once businesses focus on figuring the right offering to develop – ie. the thing that customers actually want and will pay for – they won’t need to spend months waiting for a beta launch to change the company’s direction. Instead, their plans for new products and services can be adapted continuously and in real-time: inch-by-inch and minute-by-minute.

You can find out about the Lean Start-Up concept in our free workshop on ‘Corporate Entrepreneurship’ at Kent 2020 Vision Start-Up LIVE, presented by Dr Tendayi Viki from the University of Kent.

Click here to reserve your free place online, or use this link to view the full programme of free keynotes and workshops running throughout the day.

About the Speaker:

Dr Tendayi Viki wears many hats as an academic, author, entrepreneur and consultant. He holds an MSc and a PhD in Psychology. He teaches Research Methods and Organizational Psychology at the University of Kent (UK). During his early academic career, Dr Viki researched various topics in social psychology including social identity, dehumanization, mergers and acquisitions, attitudes towards criminal justice and perceptions of hiphop music. He has also been a Research Assistant at Harvard University (USA), a Visiting Scholar at the University of Queensland (Australia) and a Visiting Research Fellow at Stanford University (USA). He has published over 30 scientific papers and several book chapters.

VIDEO PREVIEW: One Date > Two Events

Watch our new preview video to find out what other visitors and exhibitors are looking forward to at this year’s Kent 2020 Vision START-UP LIVE and the brand new Kent 2020 Vision MARKETING LIVE:

YouTube Preview - SUL KML 2013

CLICK HERE to view

Reserve your free place now to join hundreds of business owners and marketers on Wednesday 23rd October 2013 at the Kent Event Centre, with free access to inspirational keynotes, practical workshops and two focused exhibitions.

Both events are organised by by BSK-Direct with support from The Chartered Institute of Marketing South East (CIM), Kent County Council and The KM Group and delivered by the same team that deliver Kent 2020 Vision LIVE, the largest regional B2B event in the UK.

We hope to see you there!

Four Great British Reasons to Start a Business NOW!

Valuable advice from Emma Jones, Director of national campaign StartUp Britain, Founder of small business community Enterprise Nation, entrepreneur, author and the opening keynote speaker at the second Kent 2020 Vision START-UP LIVE on Wednesday 23rd October 2013.

If you’re considering starting a business and becoming your own boss, let me give you four good reasons as to why now is a great time to do so!

1) Costs are low

The costs of starting a business have come tumbling down. When you can start the business from home (and whilst holding onto the day job) and embrace social media and free websites to get to market, you can start and grow a new business on a very modest budget.

My advice to StartUps is beg, borrow and barter to access any resource you need to get going. Most businesses just require an internet connection and some business cards to start, but if you do find you need access to funds, there are many places to look including increasingly popular crowdfunding sites such as Kickstarter, Crowdfunder and Crowdcube, as well as government programmes such as StartUp Loans.

2) Interest in British products is high

We are seeing ever-growing appetite from overseas for products designed and/or made in Britain and with 1.2 billion customers online across the globe, so it’s a great time to be selling into new and international markets. You can sell via third party platform sites such as Etsy, eBay and Elance.com, which reach customers in diverse destinations – or create your own home on the web and leverage social media (Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook) to attract browsers and convert them into buyers.

Consider a PopUp (with organisations such as PopUp Britain to test new markets, meet customers and make sales.

3) Talent is all-around

Never before has so much top talent been so readily available. Many talented executives are going freelance and can be found on marketplaces such as Elance and Peopleperhour.com and at rates that fit with a small business budget. Mentors are also available through accelerators such as WAYRA, The Bakery and the excellent GrowthAccelerator service, which do as they say and accelerate a small business by matching you with customers and serious support.

Which brings me onto my final point …

4) Support is yours

For StartUps, high levels of support is on hand. From the government in the form of funding, Growth Vouchers and international trade promotion, from large companies that are lending their assets for the benefit of small ones, and from fellow small business owners who are happy to lend their time and expertise in the form of peer support.

So what are you waiting for? It’s a great time to be starting a business.

Come along to my session at Kent 2020 Vision START-UP LIVE and I’ll show you how it’s done!


Kent 2020 Vision START-UP LIVE is the South East’s leading event for new businesses, organised by BSK-Direct to provide a value-packed day of inspiration, practical advice and vital information for the early stages of any new venture. The event is free-to-attend for new businesses or individuals looking to start one in the next 1-2 years.

CLICK HERE to register now.

What’s new in Marketing & Data Protection?

The growing number of laws, regulations and codes affecting the marketing profession means it has never been more important for marketers to keep up-to-date.

At just one of the free workshops at Kent 2020 Vision MARKETING LIVE on Wednesday 23rd October 2013,  you can get an expert insight into the latest marketing regulations, including the Information Commissioner’s office guidance on privacy and cookies; a ‘heads-up’ on the new data protection directive and a summary of the legal issues surrounding the sale and purchase of databases, and information security.

Debbie Venn - ASB LawDebbie Venn, Head of Technology, Media and Telecommunications at ASB Law will offer valuable advice on how to stay on the right side of the law and explaining how many of these issues have been addressed in some real life situations.

Find out more and register online at: www.kent2020marketing.co.uk.

CIM index reveals rising confidence among UK marketers

Almost two months ahead of Kent 2020 Vision MARKETING LIVE, UK businesses are almost five times more confident than they were a year ago according to a major survey of marketing professionals. The Marketing Confidence Monitor, run by The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) and Bloomberg, found encouraging levels of confidence in business and economic performance, and a renewed focus on pursuing sustainable and socially responsible growth over the next 12 months.

The study, which is repeated quarterly and is produced from a weighted survey of more than 1,000 UK marketing professionals, has seen overall confidence increase by almost 12 points since April, and increase by a factor of five in the last year. The index, which now stands at +20.36 on a scale of +/-100, takes into account views on the wider economic outlook, career prospects, business performance and budget forecasts.

Thomas Brown - CIM (Bloomberg TV)Confidence in the UK’s wider economic situation has seen the greatest surge, with an increase of over 29 points and over three quarters (84 per cent) of respondents stating that they are as or more confident that they will see economic growth and performance in the UK over the next 12 months compared to the last.

This upbeat assessment is perhaps supported by almost 90 per cent reporting marketing spend is to remain unchanged over the next three months – a finding that is consistent with companies of all different sizes.

Encouragingly the study also revealed that a vast majority of companies are focused on sustainable growth, with just under 80 per cent of marketers reporting that they are adapting their business policies and practices to become more sustainable and responsible.

This new emphasis on socially responsible business practice is underpinned by the seemingly growing awareness among business of the importance of such values to consumers, with 69 per cent of respondents stating that they felt responsible business practice influenced customer choice.

But for those organisations that may be planning to adopt wider growth strategies, there is still more work to be done when it comes to realising growth potential abroad, with only just over 20% of SMEs stating that they currently receive sufficient support from government to help with export trade.

Overall, the survey certainly provides many encouraging signs of economic recovery, although CIM is quick to stress that these will only be translated into tangible and sustained growth if UK companies start to innovate again and receive adequate support and guidance when considering expansion into new markets.

Anne Godfrey, Chief Executive of CIM, commented “In order for businesses to make the all-important shift from survival to growth and to ensure sustainable recovery in a global marketplace, they must now commit to investing in new business practices, products and services.”

You can hear more about this quarterly business barometer when you visit Kent 2020 Vision MARKETING LIVE on Wednesday 23rd October, where CIM’s Head of Insights Thomas Brown will be presenting a fascinating keynote on the key role of Marketing in the economic recovery.

This exciting new event is organised by BSK-Direct in association with CIM and is co-located with Kent 2020 Vision START-UP LIVE, the region’s leading event for new businesses. Entry is free-of-charge for Marketing, PR and Comms specialists, plus other senior decision-makers such as Managing Directors, Partners and Owner-Managers.

Visitors and potential exhibitors can find out more and register online at the event website: www.kent2020marketing.co.uk.

Opening keynote announced for Start-Up 2013

Building on its fantastic first outing last Autumn, the second Kent 2020 Vision START-UP LIVE will take place on Wednesday 23rd October 2013 at the Kent Event Centre, delivering another full day of inspiration, practical advice and vital information for the early stages of any new venture.

We are excited to confirm a very special keynote to open this year’s event in style:

> Emma Jones, Entrepreneur, Founder of Enterprise Nation & Director of StartUp Britain

Emma Jones - Enterprise Nation (Formal)Emma Jones is founder of small business community Enterprise Nation and a co-founder of the national campaign StartUp Britain.

Following a degree in Law and Japanese, Emma joined international accounting firm, Arthur Andersen, where she worked in London, Leeds and Manchester offices and set up the firm’s Inward Investment practice that attracted overseas companies to locate in the UK. Bitten by the dot.com bug, Emma left the firm in 2000, to start her first business, Techlocate – and after 15 months, the company was successfully sold to Tenon plc.

The experience of starting, growing and selling a business from a home base gave Emma the idea for Enterprise Nation which was launched in 2006 as the home business website. The company has since expanded to become a small business community of over 75,000 people who access content, events and funding; online, in print and in person.

In March 2011 Emma was one of eight co-founders to launch StartUp Britain, the national campaign to encourage more people to start a business and support existing businesses to grow. Over the past two years, the private sector campaign has facilitated mentoring, hosted Industry Weeks, toured the UK with entrepreneurs and experts, launched special projects such as StartUp Loans and StartUp High Street and has had a critical role to play in record results of people becoming their own boss.

Emma is currently acting as campaign director of StartUp Britain and was awarded an MBE in June 2012 for Services to Enterprise. As an expert in small businesses, she is also the author of several books including Spare Room StartUp, Working 5 to 9, Go Global and The StartUp Kit.

Kent 2020 Vision START-UP LIVE is the South East’s leading event for new businesses, organised by BSK-Direct in partnership with Kent County Council and The KM Group. This year, the event takes place alongside Kent 2020 Vision MARKETING LIVE, a new one-stop-shop for Kent marketers.

The event is completely free-to-attend and is aimed at young businesses (typically established for less than 2 years) or individuals looking to start a business in the next 1-2 years.

CLICK HERE to register online.

The one-stop-shop for Kent marketers…

Kent 2020 Vision MARKETING LIVE is an innovative new event for forward-thinking marketing professionals across South East England, designed to provide fresh ideas, practical advice and the latest thinking on key marketing challenges via an intensive day of inspirational keynotes, interactive workshops and a highly focused exhibition.

The event is completely free-to-attend and focuses firmly on maximising the return on investment from every part of the marketing mix – to deliver more integrated campaigns, increase effectiveness and build real competitive edge.

Kent 2020 Vision MARKETING LIVE is organised by BSK-Direct in association with The Chartered Institute of Marketing South East (CIM) and delivered by the same team that deliver Kent 2020 Vision LIVE, the largest regional B2B event in the UK. The inaugural Marketing event will take place on Wednesday 23rd October 2013 in the new Clive Emson conference facility at the Kent Event Centre near Maidstone.

Thomas Brown - CIMThroughout the day, delegates can hear expert advice on many of the hottest issues for professional marketeers, including a special keynote from Thomas Brown, Director of Research & Insights at CIM, , who will showcase the latest CIM research including insight on business confidence, challenges facing the profession and what organisations are doing to take on those challenges.

Other thought-provoking keynotes include Katie King from Zoodikers on the continued evolution of Social Media, Emma Jones founder of Enterprise Nation on specific challenges for SMEs and Simon Dixon from BankToTheFuture.com on the power of crowd-funding – plus a lively panel of industry experts discussing the integration of digital and traditional marketing channels. Meanwhile, practical workshops cover hot topics such as email and online marketing, data protection, effective market research and search engine optimisation (SEO).

Alongside the free seminar programme, a focused exhibition and networking area will feature a wide range of innovative marketing products and services, showcasing innovative suppliers of web design & SEO, e-marketing, social media, graphic design, print, promotional materials, PR services, market research, lists and data sources, direct mail, advertising opportunities and much, much more.

Chris Callander, Commercial Director at BSK-Direct, explains the rationale behind the first dedicated marketing event from the Kent 2020 stable: “With such a wealth of talent and a thriving creative sector in the county, it was clear that Kent’s marketing community would really benefit from a forum focusing specifically on their needs. The new Marketing event will enable Kent businesses to access a wealth of thought leadership and best practice that will help them to compete on the national and international stage while working with local resources that are right on their doorstep.”

“Our partnership with CIM South East also guarantees a level of expertise and professionalism that would rarely be found outside central London,” continues Callander, “So we are planning to deliver a truly first-class platform for sharing experiences and new ideas.”

The inaugural Kent 2020 Vision MARKETING LIVE is co-located with Kent 2020 Vision START-UP LIVE, the region’s leading event for new businesses – adding even more value for visitors when they attend on 23rd October. Entry is free-of-charge for Marketing, PR and Comms specialists, plus other senior decision-makers such as Managing Directors, Partners and Owner-Managers.

Visitors and potential exhibitors can find out more and register online at the event website: www.kent2020marketing.co.uk.

Thanks for a fabulous day!

CLICK HERE for video highlights.

Last week’s Kent 2020 Vision LIVE has been widely acclaimed as the best event so far – with a sold-out exhibition, attendance up by over 10% and millions of pounds of business likely to be generated by the thousands of conversations that took place.

Bright sunshine and early morning mentions on BBC TV helped to create an overwhelming atmosphere of optimism and positivity that lasted all day: from the KAFEC Networking Breakfast at 7am to the special KLAS Charity Auction finishing at around 8pm.

Highlights included inspirational keynotes from Deirdre Bounds and Maggie Philbin, demonstrations of 3D Printing and Augmented Reality in the Tomorrow’s Business Showcase, practical advice on achieving rapid and sustainable growth and a high number of new business and product launches, including innovative food company Onepot Ltd (winners of last year’s amazing Kickstart prize).

The organisers would like to thank everyone that visited, exhibited, presented, supported and helped to make the day such a huge success.

Here is just a small selection of the great things people are saying about this major annual event:

KM Article & Video

Accsys Blog

Oakley Blog

Smartaupairs Blog

Zoodikers Blog & Video

Official Showreel



Put the date in your diary now for an even bigger & better event next year: Thursday 3rd April 2014

For information about exhibiting or presenting a workshop next year – or our specialist Marketing and Start-Up events on 23rd October 2013 – call Alice Boorman or Tom Healing on 01892-820930.

Two Days to Go!

A warm welcome to Kent 2020 Vision LIVE 2013, from Event Chair, Jane Ollis, CEO of BSK-CiC

It is now just two days until Kent 2020 Vision LIVE 2013! 

The signage is up, the stands are being built and activity on-site is becoming more and more feverish by the hour. Across the county exhibitors are sorting literature, taking delivery of posters and display materials and working on their sales pitches. All leading to a day packed with great opportunities for every business to connect to new customers and suppliers, to pick up new ideas and inspiration and to meet more of Kent’s business community in one place than at any other event.

Jane Ollis (Lo-Res)Last year’s event was widely hailed our best show yet and over the last twelve months the team have worked hard to ensure we bring you an even better event this year. This includes building on what made last year such a success and introducing some exciting new elements, including a new Kent & Medway International Business Zone and the Tomorrow’s Business Showcase. Then there’s the great line-up of workshops and keynote speakers, including inspirational entrepreneur Deirdre Bounds and former tomorrow’s world presenter Maggie Philbin.

At BSK, we’re passionate about helping businesses prepare for tomorrow so Maggie will be sharing her thoughts on some of the key innovations that will transform the shape of business over the next decade, to accompany the Tomorrow’s Business Showcase. In the Clive Emson building you’ll be able to see some of the emerging technologies that are going to change your business; this includes live demonstrations of 3D printing and an introduction to the new concept of ‘augmented reality’. Our hope is that by giving you this insight, you and your business will be able to take advantage of the many opportunities presented by these new innovations.

So we look forward to seeing you on Thursday: we hope you’re inspired, we hope you connect to some great opportunities and we hope you learn something that can help your business tomorrow and on into the future.

Pre-register online at www.kent2020.co.uk to benefit from fast-track entry, priority parking and a chance to win an iPad Mini.